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Succulents - Who knew they were so cool!

I'm a collector by nature. I love beautiful things. I can't resist sparkle, charm, and uniqueness! Sometimes I believe there's magpie in my DNA. And it doesn't stop there. In my need to create, and investigate, I become well...obsessive. Perhaps it's better to say I like to immerse myself.

When I fall in love with something, I typically fall hard, and the latest interest that has captured my heart is - succulents.

Echeveria - Lola
Those chubby drought loving plants that come in an array of pastels, and visually pleasing geometric shapes, that can be planted in adorable little pots. It didn't take long to figure out that they're in hot commodity, and the "it" indoor plant at the moment. I started noticing them everywhere, plastered near and far on my favourite home décor sites. I took notice, storing this epiphany for future reference.

Then it happened, while out on a separate errand, a cart of succulents at my local Lowe's beckoned to me. Crazily enough my husband agreed that they would be an nice addition to our home. The budget friendly price tag sealed the deal. That's how the first three came to be.

Like I said earlier, I'm a collector by nature. Three shmee, I needed more.

And the rounds began, Rona, Home Depot, local flower shops, even online, seriously online! I had no idea you could mail those little suckers.

However here's my disclaimer.

I researched a variety of sources, to ensure I was ready for a bigger plant commitment. After reassuring myself that I could do this, (let's just say my track record of plant care hasn't been exactly the greatest), I was ready.

Now I'm sitting at twelve...

Before you begin, please do your homework. Someone took the time to lovingly grow those plants, so someone else could relish in the enjoyment of them. My intent was not to murder the poor innocent things with my ignorance.

A good read! Prick by Gynelle Leon
1) Research first! Visit the local library, borrow books on any topic you like, save those dollars to invest in your actual hobby! Yes, you will find specialty gardening books there, even ones dedicated solely to succulents.

2) Surf the web. You can find an amazing amount of resources online. Try searching Pinterest, wiki sites, garden blogs, and Instagram. Heck, there's even Facebook groups that are specifically for succulent lovers, and let me tell you, you'll seem less of a fanatic when you discover this lot of fans.

Kalanchoe Tomentosa - Panda Plant
3) Talk to real live people. Open your mouth and speak, don't be afraid in this digital world to ask questions in person. There are experts all around! Most places I bought my plants had a dedicated staff member just for plants, who are happy to spare a few moments humoring a newbie succulent collector such as myself. They love sharing their knowledge, and getting you successfully on your way. Don't worry about asking silly questions, there's probably someone out there who also asked the very same questions.

So there you have it!

I'm so pleased with my little succulent brood, be sure to check out my Instagram candidlycozy feed for plant updates!


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